CHEEX is a sex-positive new community of erotic films, audio stories & sex education for everyone who is curious about sexual stimulation and education. They strive to depict sexuality in a way that is close to reality: diverse, fun and consensual
The platform also sets out to free pornography from its taboo. The platform looks like a magazine you casually scroll through rather than a site you need to delete from your search history right away. It is also free of advertising, banners or contact ads. The brand aesthetic is modern and confident without tapping into traditional cliches.
All contents available on the CHEEX platform are produced responsibly. They only show performers above the age of eighteen and choose their partners carefully. They are aware of their responsibility regarding porn consumption; stories are meant to stimulate own fantasies and should not become a necessity for satisfaction.

CHEEX has video and audio content too. With plenty of sexy audio stories that spark your imagination, you just need to close your eyes and explore a new world of seduction.

In alignment with their sex-positive agenda, they have also created the Pleasure Academy, a safe space to get your sexual agency on and take sex education to a whole new level!
Live workshops, tutorials, podcast and online magazine, everything you could possibly need taught by industry experts, coaches and journalists who deep dive into all things sex and intimacy.

If all this isn’t enough, they offer workshops to enhance your sexuality and love life by attending online live courses by sex and wellness experts.

You will be able to learn new perspectives to support and enhance your sex life, celebrate and find trust in your body and reach an in-depth self-awareness and gain new skills to discover what works for you, in a safe and friendly environment.

If you are looking for unlimited films, audios & articles, consensual and fair production, no ads or popups and the option to cancel anytime, CHEEX is the the place to discover sexual empowerment.

Welcome to Your Safe Space!

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