Speaking of my friend Gabriel Sergent is talking about a rising star in the field of erotic photography, although eroticism is not the only field that this guy takes on with his camera.
He has developed a very creative photography, with twists and originality in spurts.
I met him about twelve years ago. My friend Silvia Rubi brought Gabriel home during a crazy night, the day of my birthday to be exact. By a quirk of fate, he ended up becoming his partner and therefore my roommate for a few months.

Now he is currently travelling the world to continue learning the amazing world of photography in digital and analog.
If there is something I love about him is his fireproof vitality and outlook on life.

Gabriel Sergent goes stomping wherever he goes and leaves no one indifferent after getting to know him.
His relationship with Silvia had given him the opportunity to bring his art to the torrid grounds, in which he moves like a fish in water. He has already surprised us with collected works such as The Shades of Eros, a book containing delicious shots that will bring joy to the lucky ones who take a look.

Gabriel has a clinical eye for capturing the sensuality and curves of women, his sessions also overflow in colour and originality. His vast sympathy and lack of limits in the creating process make working with him fluid and fun.

As far as experience is concerned, Gabriel has studied at EFTI training which has complemented perfectly his creative side.
He excels both in analogue and digital, opting for the latter to perform spectacular finishes with surprising results. He is helped by a good photographic base and a good sense to measure light and colour, whether in outdoor environments or photography studios.
This is why when you browse through his photos you will always find brightness and colour.

Gabriel gives us a brief biography of his background and experience in his website:
“Graduated in Fine Arts at the University of Granada, began my photographic career with excellent references stemming from my exhibitions. I started very young influenced by my father and my love for the simplicity of a world in Black and White.
At mid-career i traveled to England to achieve a higher degree in Photography, Video and Lens and i discovered the beauty of a Nude and Erotic photographic world immersed in the dark, contrast and macabre scene.
On my return to Spain, in Granada, I completed the career and moved to Madrid to achieve an International Master of Photography, «New Documentation», and I began to work thoroughly in the ambience of Erotic and Nude Photography. Then I moved to Berlin, Ibiza and Amsterdam to do exhibitions of nude art and Fashion.
Now I’m traveling around the world to continue learning this amazing world of photography in digital and analog.”

So make sure you check out Gabriel’s website so you can be updated with all of the new photos he posts and projects he is working on.